William & Victoria's Senior Pictures {Katy Area Senior Portrait Photographer}
So, every Tuesday, I attend the most amazing Bible study called Divine Design. It is a Bible Study that is geared towards stay at home moms and their ministry within the home. The first part of the class is a hands on, homemaking lesson (like cooking something, crafts, organization, meal planning, etc). The second part of the class is a devotional (no homework yay!) or in depth lesson from the Bible that encourages us in our ministry to our family and children.
Well, the lady who leads us in the devotional portion is one of my spiritual heroes, Lorie. Lorie happens to have two beautiful children who are about to graduate from high school and she asked me to take some Senior portraits for them. How could I resist?! I absolutely loved going around Katy and taking these pictures! Take a look at Lorie's gorgeous daughter, Victoria, and her very handsome son, William! Did I mention that they're twins?!
(By the way, if you're interested in joining us in Divine Design, please check out the website: Divinedesignhouston.org for more details. You can also follow us online if you can't make it to class or if you live far away)
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